Μια μάνα, μια μητέρα, μια μαμά έχει αξία ανεκτίμητη. Όλοι το ξέρουν αυτό και κανένα δώρο υλικό δεν είναι ισάξιό της! Το ιδανικότερο είναι να γιορτάζουμε κάθε μέρα τις μαμάδες μας. Να τους δείχνουμε την αγάπη και την εκτίμησή μας με τις πράξεις μας. Με μια αγκαλιά, με ένα φιλί. Να είμαστε ευγνώμονες που υπάρχουν ή υπήρξαν στη ζωή μας. Επειδή πολλές φορές τείνουμε να ξεχνάμε, γιαυτό υπάρχουν οι γιορτές. Για να μας υπενθυμίζουν την αξία των αγαπημένων μας. Ένα δωράκι, ένα λουλούδι ή ένα απλό ευχαριστώ θα φέρει το χαμόγελο στο μοναδικό πρόσωπο που μας προσφέρει τα πάντα άνευ όρων. Προπάντων την αγάπη!
Ένα πρωινό e-mail μ΄ έκανε να σκεφτώ τη δική μου μαμά. Δεν μου λείπει, δεν είναι μακριά. Ζούμε πάνω - κάτω και με βοηθάει στα πάντα από ........ πάντα! Από αυτήν έχω πάρει τα καλλιτεχνικά μου ταλέντα και την αισθητική. Την αγαπώ τη μαμά μου, μόνο αυτό θέλω να πω. Κι αν μπορούσα θα της χάριζα τον κόσμο ολόκληρο!
A mom, a mother, a mommy is invaluable. Everybody knows this. No material gift is equivalent of that value! The ideal would be to celebrate our moms every day. To show them our love and appreciation through our actions. With a hug or a kiss. To be grateful that they are or have been in our lives. Most times we tend to forget of the value of those special people in our lives. That's why we celebrate them at specific days of the year. Those are the days which surely remind us of their value. A gift, a flower or a simple thank you will bring a smile to the only person who offers us everything unconditionally, and above all: love!
A morning e-mail made me think of my mom. I don't miss her. She 's not far. We live in the same building and she helps me with everything from always! From her I got my artistic talents and aesthetic. I love my mom. That's just what I want to say. And if I could I would give her the whole world!
A mom, a mother, a mommy is invaluable. Everybody knows this. No material gift is equivalent of that value! The ideal would be to celebrate our moms every day. To show them our love and appreciation through our actions. With a hug or a kiss. To be grateful that they are or have been in our lives. Most times we tend to forget of the value of those special people in our lives. That's why we celebrate them at specific days of the year. Those are the days which surely remind us of their value. A gift, a flower or a simple thank you will bring a smile to the only person who offers us everything unconditionally, and above all: love!
A morning e-mail made me think of my mom. I don't miss her. She 's not far. We live in the same building and she helps me with everything from always! From her I got my artistic talents and aesthetic. I love my mom. That's just what I want to say. And if I could I would give her the whole world!
vintage polaroid photo from the late '70's at our home in Melbourne!!!
Χρόνια Πολλά Μαμά!!!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
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