Στην προηγούμενη ανάρτησή μου σας είπα ότι "έπιασα" τα παλαιοπωλεία. Εκεί έχω βρει φανταστικά πράγματα. Κουτάλια και πιρούνια που με εμπνέουν να δημιουργήσω συγκεκριμένα κομμάτια. Όπως το παρακάτω κουτάλι σούπας που μεταμορφώθηκε σε ένα statement κολιέ και φοριέται όλες τις ώρες!
Hello! Hope you are all well and blogging !!!
In my previous post I mentioned that I've been visiting antique stores. I have found some fantastic kitchen wear. Spoons and forks that inspire me to create specific pieces. As the following tablespoon which has been transformed into a statement necklace, worn at all times!
Hello! Hope you are all well and blogging !!!
In my previous post I mentioned that I've been visiting antique stores. I have found some fantastic kitchen wear. Spoons and forks that inspire me to create specific pieces. As the following tablespoon which has been transformed into a statement necklace, worn at all times!
Οι τυρκουάζ πέτρες είναι χαολίτες ενώ οι μεγάλες χρωματιστές κοράλια.
The turquoise stones are chaolites while the large colored ones are corals.
The turquoise stones are chaolites while the large colored ones are corals.
pictures by Christina P.
Στις παραπάνω φωτογραφίες το έχω συνδυάσει με λευκό φόρεμα. Φοριέται βέβαια και με πολλά άλλα χρώματα αλλά μου 'χει κολλήσει η ιδέα ενός κιτρινο-μουσταρδί φορέματος αν τελικά το βρω όπως το θέλω. Παρακάτω έχω ξεχωρίσει μερικά σχέδια αλλά θα χρειαστώ και τη βοήθεια του κοινού!!!
In the photos above I have styled the necklace with a white dress. Of course it can be worn with many other colors but I am stuck with the idea of a yellow-mustard-colored dress, if I finally find it as I want. Below I have singled out some designs but I really need your help!!! Any suggestions???
In the photos above I have styled the necklace with a white dress. Of course it can be worn with many other colors but I am stuck with the idea of a yellow-mustard-colored dress, if I finally find it as I want. Below I have singled out some designs but I really need your help!!! Any suggestions???
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